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Electric Shaver Cleaning and Maintenance: How to Do It Right and Why It Matters?

Updated on: October 16, 2023 | By: Alex Petrou

One of the most important things you can do to keep your electric shaver in good condition is to clean and maintain it regularly. This will help you get a smooth and comfortable shave every time, and it will also prevent your shaver from getting damaged or worn out. In this article, I’ll share step by step guide with tips and tricks for cleaning and maintaining an electric shaver properly.


Turn Off and Unplug: Before cleaning your electric shaver, ensure it is turned off and unplugged from the power source to avoid any accidents.

Empty the Hair Chamber: Most electric shavers have a hair chamber or hair collection area. Remove this compartment and empty it into a trash bin. This should be done after every shave.

Remove the Cutting Unit: Depending on your shaver’s design, you may be able to remove the cutting unit, such as the foil or rotary heads, for thorough cleaning. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for removal.

Brush Off Loose Hair: Use a cleaning brush (often provided with the shaver) to gently brush away any remaining loose hairs from the cutting unit, foil, and blades. Be gentle to avoid damaging the blades or foil.

Rinse (if applicable): Some electric shavers are waterproof and can be rinsed under running water. If your shaver is waterproof, rinse the cutting unit and the shaver head under warm water to remove any remaining hair and shaving cream residue. Again, consult your shaver’s manual for guidance.

Cleaning Solution (if applicable): If your shaver comes with a cleaning station or uses a cleaning solution, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfecting the shaver. These stations can automatically clean, lubricate, and charge your shaver.


Replace Blades and Foils: Over time, the blades and foils of electric shavers can become dull or damaged. Refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations for when to replace them, typically every 12-18 months, to maintain optimal performance.

Lubrication (if applicable): Some shavers benefit from regular lubrication. Check the manual to see if your shaver requires lubrication and follow the recommended intervals.

Battery Maintenance: If you have a rechargeable shaver, it’s essential to maintain the battery. Avoid overcharging, as it can reduce battery life over time. Allow the battery to run down occasionally before recharging.

Storage: Store your electric shaver in a cool, dry place, and protect it from extreme temperatures and moisture. Using a protective case or cover can also prevent damage.

Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect your shaver for any signs of wear or damage. This includes checking the cord, power button, and the condition of the foil or rotary heads.

Remember to consult your shaver’s user manual for specific cleaning and maintenance instructions, as different models may have unique requirements.


Taking good care of your electric shaver can help it perform better and last longer. It means cleaning it regularly, replacing the blades or foils when needed, and storing it properly. Doing these simple steps above ensures that your electric shaver delivers a smooth and comfortable shave every time. You can also save money and time by avoiding frequent repairs or replacements.

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